06 March 2008

easter treat updates

My friend Stephanie loves to blog about ads for unusual things. When I spotted these two modern interpretations of classic Easter items at the grocery store recently, I thought of her.

We found these kits prominently displayed at the entrance to a Publix in West Chase, a well-to-do Tampa suburb. I puzzled over the kit (Army eggs?) until coming to the realization that this would be a neat way to make Easter egg hunts harder. Camouflage eggs would be a big hit up my way since we have a lot of hunters and military folk in the surrounding communities. But when I went looking for them here, there were none to be found (maybe they were bought up so quickly I missed them?) Instead, I discovered this gem:

Diva da' Bunny comes with candy bling bling. As an educator with a love for the English language, it truly pains me to see major corporations help ruin conventional grammar. And people wonder why children can't spell these days? It might also be worth mentioning that I saw these bunnies in my more urban neighborhood but not in suburban West Chase. Are there other unusual Easter items I've overlooked? Please enlighten me.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

oh my god! I saw those too! (Hunter's Crossing Publix) I couldn't help but think, wouldn't a true camo egg look like the inside of a chicken coop? Truly enterprising mama chickens probably came up with this concept and were co-opted by dairy farmers.