I'm going to a jet convention for a few days, so I don't know when I'll get a chance to post again. I thought I'd share some of my favorite projects -- starting with one I recently finished for Tim's birthday.

It started innocently -- as most of my crazy art projects do. We'd been to a Stitch N' Pitch night at a Devil Rays' game where I taught Tim to knit. We got some really cool yarn and needles among other fun goodies, so I thought I'd use that to knit a little 29 stich-by-29 row card front (Tim just grudgingly turned 29, and I wanted to poke fun at his obvious youth.) Well, I thought it'd look more square-ish, but it turned out long and narrow and too small to do anything with. So I decided to double the stitches to 58 and keep the 29 rows. This way I could turn it into a book.

Once I finished I realized I couldn't put paper pages inside since they would rip too easily. So I cut out fabric pages and sewed them in. After all that, I didn't want to just write on the fabric pages. Instead I embroidered one word onto each page to write out a birthday message. I topped it off by wire-bending a 29 for the front of the card and adding a glass button as a clasp.
I got a chance to re-learn knitting and work on my metal work and embroidery skills. In the end, I love the way it turned out. And so did Tim.
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