First I drew a simple design based on an image I loved from Martha Stewart Kids magazine. Then I transferred it onto freezer paper, which I found in the wax paper/foil aisle of Publix. You can also create/import images into Photoshop and print them onto the freezer paper. Just make sure the design is relatively simple -- and that the shiny side of the paper is NOT the side you draw/print on since that is what bonds to the shirt.
Then I used a very sharp blade to cut out the image I wanted to paint. I put the stencil where I wanted it on the shirt AND added a piece of freezer paper (shiny side up) inside the shirt to act as a stiffening agent -- so I didn't have to use cardboard or paper on the inside. The bonus was it kept the shirt very rigid for painting. I ironed the two pieces of freezer paper to the T-shirt using a medium-high dry setting. Then I was ready for paint!
This was the hardest part for me -- waiting for the paint to dry! I used simple fabric paint (cheap from Michael's) and a foam brush. The important thing to remember about this step is to dab not brush so the paint has less chance to get under the stencil. I used three coats of paint (which may have been too much) since I wanted a bright yellow. I let the paint dry overnight and used some drying time to create and cut out my fabric embellishments.
After peeling the stencil off -- carefully! -- I sewed on embellishments and heat-set the whole design. I think the shirt is adorable. I'm already making plans for my next stencil T-shirt. The only bad part of freezer-paper stenciling is that you can't reuse the stencils -- although I sort of like the idea of one-of-a-kind creations.
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