29 September 2008

hot for teacher

And students.

We have no air conditioning. Late September doesn't seem like a bad time for that, but we live in Florida where cold doesn't come home to roost until late November at the earliest. Making it worse is the fact that we have a very cold classroom normally so we all come dressed pretty warm (I had on long sleeves and a sweater.) Have you ever tried to teach a group of 20 sweaty children with already low attention spans? It's like herding cats (an expression I never fully understood until now.) And the air will be out "for the foreseeable future." Tomorrow we will be the school nomads, traveling across campus in search of cool spaces. Wish us luck in our journey.

Did I mention that I have the beginning of a sinus infection and therefore have a fever and chills intermittently? On the bright side, I get to wear shorts to work tomorrow.

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