17 March 2011

organizing writers

Even though the African grant I was working on was submitted early last week, I've still been MIA. I apologize. I've moved from relief efforts to disaster planning.

I've been expanding my company lately, no longer just editing writers' works but now formatting them too. I have to say I am *loving* what is essentially the organization of the written word. There is something about the beauty of style and design, even in the most mundane of things.

My latest client is working on a comprehensive disaster plan for a regional government agency. All the plans were written by different people, so I was tasked with bringing a unity to the overall design. And since many people are not adept at using Word (although it's practically universal, it sure is a quirky program), it's taken a ton of time. Thankfully, unifying is satisfying work.

When in the formatting zone, I barely read what the words on the screen say. But every now and again, things pop up that make you go "oh!' One of the tables I was working on detailed the number of corpses able to be housed by different agencies in case of a disaster, which included surprisingly lower numbers than one would expect. A bizarre statistic I'll never forget.

Have I told you all lately how much I love my job?

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