This was as close as Madeleine would get to Mouse (and she was interested in getting to know Mad!) A dog afraid of a cat -- isn't that sad?
Sorry for being a non-posting person. I decided to take a break to deal with real life for a while. Honestly, the last month and a half have been filled with so many changes. It started with a change in grade level for me. I'm going from teaching primary to intermediate. I am quite upset, frazzled, you name it. I love teaching little ones -- this is such a scary move! I was in the middle of changing classrooms (think moving houses) when my principal "retired" due to low test scores. Getting a new boss -- especially when you've only had one in your professional career -- is nerve wracking. So far I like my new principal, but it's only been two weeks. School starts Monday, and I've been working 10+ hour days for the last two weeks trying to get ready.
In mid-July I decided to put my house on the market and move to St. Pete. I interviewed for jobs, got offers, but can't sell my house -- so I'm stuck in Gainesville for at least a few more months. Going back to the classroom also means going back to teacher's union work. I love fighting for teacher's rights, but let's face it: being a teacher in Florida right now is down-right depressing. Even the superintendent has teamed up with the union to fight against several state constitutional amendments slated to go on November's ballot. Pay close attention to 5, 7, & 9. They're going to destroy public education in this state.
Anyway, I'm back to blogging. Look for an update on what I've been up to for the last two weeks coming soon (ie. classroom pictures!)
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