Number of beds slept in: 12
Number of miles driven: 2460
Number of miles driven by me: about 500
Number of blisters gained from said walk: 6
Number of times we walked/ran across the John A. Roebling Suspension Bridge going back and forth from Cincinnati to Covington, Kentucky: 7
Number of weddings attended: 2
Number of dresses for weddings left hanging in a closet on the other side of the state: 1 (the one I needed!)
Number of flights of stairs climbed to do laundry in Cincinnati: 6
Number of times we had to climb them: 3 (mercifully)
Number of baseball games attended where the home team was celebrating both youth recreation day and senior citizens day: 2 (really, what are the odds?)
Number of Jimmy Buffet cover bands performing after a baseball game: 1
Number of fans who stayed to watch the Jimmy Buffet cover band: about 600 (yes, including us)
Number of homemade lemon meringue pies eaten by each of us: 1/2
Number of ice cream-based desserts eaten by each of us: 5
Number of pounds gained by each of us (despite running): 5 1/2
Number of times finding a great song on the radio changed our mood: 4
Number of books on tape I fell asleep listening to: 2
Number of times a five-lane interstate full of traffic was stopped for a funeral procession: 1 (that was one brave cop!)
Number of miles we climbed to get there: 1/2
Height (in feet) we climbed to get there: 330
Angle of said climb: unknown, but very, very steep
Number of times I wanted to come home: 0
We had an amazing trip. More pictures should be up by the end of this weekend.
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