We have green beans!! Madeleine is one happy beagle. I'm sort of concerned she'll figure out they're within easy reach, but I honestly don't know if she's that aware.
I planted one Big Boy tomato plant along with the plum tomatoes, and it already has small fruit growing.
Outside the vegetable garden, the flowers are blooming rapidly.
My gardenia bush has exploded with blooms. They smell so wonderful -- not quite as yummy as orange blossoms, but good none the less.
Almost all the hibiscus have finally started to pop up. If you remember, I fretted for months about whether or not my favorite plants would come back after that winter freeze. I lost two of the six oleander for sure, and one hibiscus that I transplanted toward the end of last summer still has yet to show any new growth. On the positive side however, there's one hibiscus with a bloom almost ready to pop open. It's the first official sign of summer, and I can't wait to see it!
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