By nature, I am an organized person (check out all 200 skeins of embroidery floss!) I love being able to find things quickly and knowing whether or not I have what I need to complete a project before I start it. I hate stopping mid-stream to go pick up a 59-cent item across town. It disrupts my creative flow.
I knew when I started to avoid the craft room after the holiday season that something was up. The space had been bothering me for a while as it was. Fabric was overflowing in giant plastic tubs, stuff was cluttering every flat surface, and I was having a hard time finding what I needed. When my grandmother passed and my grandfather was moved into a smaller space, I was gifted a beautiful 1940s-era armoire in need of some TLC. Having nowhere else to put it, I placed it in front of my idea wall in the craft room figuring I could always stand for some extra storage where crafts are concerned. However, the armoire was too big for the space and needed some major cleaning. It overwhelmed the room and sat empty. This weekend I broke down and decided to re-organize the craft room so I could finally go in there and not be frustrated and bothered by the mess. I cleaned out the armoire, papered the drawers, and moved it to the closet (which had to be cleared of its contents first.)
Now I've decided to re-purpose most of the room. The good news is I'm finally getting things organized again. The bad news is it's taking me forever since I'm really going through everything trying to decide if I still need it. Lots of purging going on. This is what it looks like now:
I've had to keep the door shut when I'm not in there working on it. So that's the long answer on why I haven't been posting about crafting lately. That should change by the end of this week. I'll share some photos when I finish up. I've been tossing valentine ideas around in my head and I need to get those started pronto!
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