20 November 2007

I still love it!

I have been kicking around the purse idea forever, and I'm so glad I finally did it! It took almost six hours total to complete, but that's mostly because I didn't follow any pattern. I used some of my favorite bags as a measuring guide and this super-helpful webguide, used mostly for squaring the bottom. The rest was just guessing and measuring -- lots of measuring.

Here is the front. Once I cut out a piece to use as the outside, I embellished it using the sewing machine and some buttons. I wanted to add some appliques but I decided it was too much. The machine stitching continues to the back of the bag.

Once I finished that I cut out a piece of fabric the same size for the lining. It's a bit baggy so I think I'll make it smaller next time. I knew I wanted pockets, so I added those using both the outside and lining fabric for strength.

This is a close up of one of the pockets. I double stitched the edges since pockets have a tendency to tear easily. I actually created the pockets based on how I wanted to use them. I am forever missing phone calls since my cell drops to the bottom of my bag. Now that I've got a perfectly sized pocket, I won't have to dig to find the phone!

I like the ease of finding things in square-bottomed bags, and the webguide had a quick and simple way to make it happen. I think it makes the bag look a bit more professional too.

The thing I struggled with the most was the handles. Since I had to sew the bag together inside out, I wasn't sure how to place the handles. Internet advice wasn't helping me visualize what I needed to do, so I made a guess and went with it. I think they turned out okay, although I might do the seams differently on the next bag (insiding out small canvas tubes took a long time!)

Overall, I am just ecstatic over this bag. I was so excited to go grocery shopping today just to use it. The next bag I create I'll take pictures of each step to share.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can I just say? This is the *perfect* diaper bag. Oh! I covet! Anyway - just stumbled across your blog (remembered that you mentioned having one at the cookie exchange and - voila!, here I am...) and am so glad I did. Congrats on this - it's awesome!

- Heather