25 March 2010

my email to cretul

I just sent this email to Larry Cretul, who has been asking interested parties for House companion to SB6 (kill public education bill) to send their thoughts to him via email or phone:

I oppose this teacher tenure bill for several reasons. As an elementary school teacher for eight years in a high-poverty school (77+% free/reduced lunch), I really wish that I could be the most important person in my students' lives. If I were, I could instill a passion for education and life-long learning. I would have them eat well, brush their teeth, do their homework, watch appropriate TV shows and movies, go to sleep at an appropriate hour, and get regular exercise. I would instill a respect for adults and for things that don't belong to them. But I only have them with me for 6 hours a day, 5 days a week. Their families, peers, and communities have more sway in their education than I do.

So why would you punish me for choosing to work with such a population of children? I work very hard to instill the above ideals in them during the short time they are in my room. I push them, encourage them, reward and punish them as if they were my own children. But my impact does not sway the neighborhood belief that education is not important. They can try their best while in my room, but eventually they have to go back home.

I have consistently high FCAT scores in my school -- last year all of my kids scored at 3 or higher in math (considerably higher than their previous year's scores of 1s and 2s for most of them). I am one of those teachers you say would be "rewarded" by this bill, I am sure of it. But if it passes, I will have to quit teaching and find a job that will pay my bills. I cannot afford to live on half my salary until it's known whether my students passed. I already work two jobs because my salary is so low (and I have a Master's, which I'm still paying for, that is now totally worthless).

If I stayed in the classroom, I wouldn't be able to afford to put in the extra time, energy, and money that I do right now. I would be forced to teach to the test to make sure I had a job. I would always be worried that any low child's test scores could make me lose my job. Any parent complaint could oust me as well. Why would I bother to chance my future and my life in that way? Many other wonderful teachers I speak with feel the same way. Those with no other options than teaching wonder how they will keep their houses and feed their families.

This bill will take money out of local schools and send it to private test companies. It will do it on the backs of our most important natural resource: our children. If this passes, I don't know how those in the Florida Legislature will live with themselves knowing they destroyed the chance for poor children to have access to quality education.

I have an out; I can find a new job. The underprivileged students in my class (and thousands of others) will be stuck with more drills, more tests, and much less real education.
Please don't let this bill pass.

Want to share your thoughts? Here's his info:

Tallahassee office: 850 488 1450
District office 352 873 6564

Please pass this to anyone you know who cares about public education in the state of Florida. This bill has been fast-tracked and could even be voted on tomorrow (Friday).